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Why Behavior Based Safety Training is Important at the Workplace?

Organizations spend millions on safety systems, equipment, and programs. But if they aren’t addressing the human element through behavior based safety training and cultural transformation, they’ll always be leaving their organization vulnerable. Behavior and habit are invariably at the root of every workplace incident. Proactively shaping employee practices, mindsets, observations, and habits through positive reinforcement...

The Importance of Regular Health Audits and Safety Inspections!

Ensuring a safe working environment should be every employer’s top responsibility. One of the best ways companies can protect their staff is by performing regular health audits and safety inspections. By conducting safety inspections, organizations can easily understand and determine the necessary required changes and implementations. In this article, you will learn what these inspections...

Building A Culture of Behaviour Based Safety Training At Workplace

Organizations prioritize efficiency and productivity which are essential parts of the business. But along with this ensuring the safety and well-being of employees shouldn’t be compromised. There are several workplace training programs that can have a significant positive impact on organizational culture and employee well-being. When it comes to ensuring the safety and well-being of...

A Comprehensive Guide: First Aid Training for Employees

In today’s fast-paced work environment, the safety and well-being of employees are of utmost importance. Accidents and emergencies can happen at any time, and being prepared with the right knowledge and skills can make a significant difference in ensuring a swift and effective response. This is where first aid training for employees comes into play....

Diet in Typhoid

What to Consume and What to Avoid? Some Facts about Typhoid: Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi or Para Typhi A are enteric germs that cause typhoid disease. Moreover, Typhi is also commonly abbreviated as S. Typhi, is to blame for most cases. The majority of the estimated two million cases worldwide, which cause over 200,000 fatalities...